Open Files

Open Files

The narrative of a holistic experience is at play. Integrating the aesthetic dimension, it explicitly begins with the human and social factor (population, audiences). It addresses key issues: Person, Space, Action, Body, Environment, Image, Word, and Spirituality.

The Open Files function like folders on a computer that open for a specific concrete activity to be developed during a certain period. If the Lines of Investigation are the backbone of the program, like leitmotifs, the Open Files are where specific opportunities and contexts are worked on, in a register of immediate productivity and/or visibility. These are punctual moments that punctuate the more generic orientations of the Lines of Investigation throughout the year and can function as instances parallel to them. In their creation and production, different people and teams from various work cells are involved, functioning as task forces at different points in the program. In the realm of these folders, specific structures and activities are developed, including regular and permanent ones: funding applications, project offices, workshops, inventories, retreats, and, naturally, exhibitions, interventions, concerts, editions, or awards.
